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Norwich underwater with the Norfolk museum service 2023

for my final piece in year 2, I chose the brief  from Norwich Museum Services as I enjoy history and the Norwich castle. Within my piece I wanted to show the realistic consequences of flooding if nothing gets done to prevent it now, I decided on this route after our field trip to Happisburg where we walked the beach and saw the affects of the seas erosion first hand, we also got to meet the owner of the Hill House pub, Clive Stockton who emphasised greatly the need for flood protection for the area. 

My graphic novel extract follows a marine biologist who is tasked to discover, uncover and track whats happening in a newely flooded Norwich, we see sea creatures that have migrated from warmer climates as now the climate in Norfolk is warmer due to climate change and we see how the buildings have been effected by being constantly surrounded in water.  
The piece that inspired me to work on this project. This work was made in response to a brief by IFLA!  
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