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College / Foundation in art and design - Final piece

In this project I wanted to focus on the human body especially the mental and physical parts. This inspected the pain and ugliness of what our minds and body do to us. I decided quite early on that this was going to be done in a grotesque way.

I decided on working around the human body as I wanted to focus on initially just mental health but through planning in the first week or, so I decided on adding physical health and another section that was to pay homage to pieces of media that revolve around the body in a gorier sense. My vision for this at the start was to be horrifying, in your face, and I feel my final piece does portray this I expect people to give me their gut reaction, as this can be interpreted how anyone wants to, if you take a meaning away from pieces or not, this project is sort of how your brain interprets things, like with how I used colour to convey different meanings.

Some people will instantly connect with a piece as they themselves have felt that same thing. people who don't suffer from mental health problems may not though. 

My work normally always has a theme of people running through it or something freakish or weird. I also aim to have some sort of story in pieces I make. I hope to carry on working this way in the future highlighting issues in the world

My inspiration for this project was firstly my own experience and feelings dealing with mental health. Artist that helped to influence my work heavily were Shawn Coss as he has a few projects that revolve around what mental health problems feel like and Michael hussar as he produced grotesque painting that go with my gory/weird aspect I wanted. Other sources that influenced me were use of colour and how it affects Us and how we interpret it, and each piece of work has its own set of inspiration images.

My final piece came about from some work I did in this project where I was frustrated and couldn't think of a way to make work the way I wanted so I just started scribbling and it came out looking good, so I thought this would fit as I basically produced it during a Breakdown. 


final sketches 3020 (1).jpg
final sketches 1021 (1).jpg
final sketches 1 1022.jpg
final sketches 3020 (1)_edited.jpg
final sketches 3020 (1).jpg
polaroid of me.png
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